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#了解N多摇滚乐队的人进| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1954年7月5日,孟菲斯的太阳公司录音室,猫王和两名同伴在这里录下歌曲《That’s All Right》。当时的猫王只有十九岁,正职还是卡车司机。这首歌曲由Arthur Crudup写成于1947年,而猫王重新演绎的这首歌,开创了整个摇滚乐的历史。


1955年5月,查克·贝瑞(Chuck Berry)录下了一张四首歌的小样——没有重复录音技术,只能一次录好,错了就重来,贝瑞一共录了36次。许多年后,吉他大师艾里克·克莱普顿(Eric Clapton)说,这次事件为摇滚乐的演奏方式定下了法则。


“布莱尔大厦”(Brill Building)是位于纽约时代广场附近的一幢十层高的大楼。当年有大约160个音乐界、唱片业界人士在那里办公。整个1960年代,这栋大厦为流行乐界贡献了无数的上榜金曲。1960年11月,卡罗·金(Carol King)在那里灌录了“Will You Love Me Tomorrow”,六周后,这首歌爬到排行榜首,并开启了女子组合的风潮。


1962年10月,Motown唱片已经从底特律创立之初的小公司发展壮大起来,为了提高影响力,创始人贝瑞·高蒂(Berry Gordy)决定把旗下歌手号召起来以Motown的名义进行巡演。这次演出吸引了大量白人和黑人歌迷。


1962年,有“灵魂乐之父”称号的詹姆斯·布朗(James Brown)在纽约哈莱姆区的阿波罗剧场演出,受到雷·查尔斯(Ray Charles)1960年的现场专辑《In Person》影响,布朗向唱片公司提出将整个演出录下并发行。但唱片公司老板坚称歌迷只对新的单曲感兴趣,不会花钱买一张他们已经花过钱欣赏过的演唱会。于是布朗只好自资出版,他花了5700美元,这张唱片当年卖出了100万张,早已成为灵魂乐史上的经典。


1963年4月,五个来自美国俄勒冈的小伙子走进录音棚,为了捕捉现场气氛,乐队中的四人围着麦克风站成一圈,主唱站在中间,他们录下的这首名叫“Louie, Louie”的歌很快成为车房摇滚(Garage Rock)史上的经典。它不但被包括蒂娜·特纳(Tina Turner)、贝瑞·怀特(Barry White)等许多人翻唱,也启发了The Kinks和范·莫里森(Van Morrison)等人。


“我想,人人都喜欢与我一起工作,但人人都讨厌‘金星’录音室。”菲尔·斯派克特(Phil Spector)说。不过正是在那间充斥着蟑螂和粪便的龌龊录音间里,诞生了“Be My Baby”这首金曲,自那以后,从1962至1966年间,菲尔·斯派克特名下的大热歌曲超过20首,金牌制作人的地位稳如泰山。


“一天晚上,他打电话叫我过去听他新写的歌,”山姆·库克(Sam Cooke)的吉他手鲍比·沃麦克(Bobby Womack)回忆起他第一次听到“A Change is Gonna Come”这首歌的经历。“他家里有一大堆音箱,于是他唱给我听了,我骨头都在打颤,我跟他说:‘山姆,这首歌能听到人想死。’”山姆后来承认,这是他写的最艰难的一首歌。


1964年夏天,以吉他手彼特·汤申德(Peter Townshend)为核心的“谁人(The Who)”乐队开始了巡回演出,彼特·汤申德旋风般的吉他手法把气氛掀到了高潮。吉他似乎成了他的武器,砸向天花板和音箱,最后也被砸了个粉碎。也是那一周“谁人”推出了单曲《I’m the Face》,他们的影响力由伦敦开始席卷世界。




“Trips”音乐节使旧金山成为迷幻摇滚(Psychedelic Rock)以及嗑药文化的大本营。Grateful Dead的主脑如此描述他们的现场音乐:“有时我们会连续演奏几个小时,要么就是弹上十分钟,然后便晕倒在台上。”

Beach Boys经典《Pet Sounds》面世

1966年1月,当Beach Boys前往日本巡演时,他们的主脑中途因为精神分裂不得不返回家中,歪打正着,他在家中养病时产生了创作《Pet Sounds》专辑的灵感。


1966年8月,吉姆.莫瑞森(Jim Morrison)还是加州大学电影专业的学生,成日醉心于诗歌和摇滚乐。这年夏天,吉姆.莫瑞森和他的同学瑞.曼萨克(Ray Manzarek)组成了乐队“大门”。他们写出了《TheEnd》和《LightMyFire》等旷世名曲。


1967年1月14日,一些青少年学生首次在旧金山的金门公园聚会,他们尽情表达自己的主张,当然也包括采用音乐的形式,这种松散的聚会一直延续了下来,后来形成了波及全世界的“嬉皮运动”。这一年的夏天,被称为“爱之夏(summer of love)”。


1967年1月,24岁的阿丽莎·富兰克林(Aretha Franklin)来到美国阿拉巴马州的“Fame”录音棚,在钢琴前坐下,开始唱一支蓝调,两小时后,她已经录好了她在Atlantic唱片公司的首张大碟的主打歌。鼓手罗杰·霍金斯(Roger Hawkins)如是说:“我从未见过有人能够传达出如此多的情感。”




1967年6月16日至18日这场著名的音乐节被拍摄成纪录片,并以DVD的形式发行了。亨德里克斯用牙齿拨弦,在“Wild Thing”一曲快结束时,他把打火机里的液体倒在吉他上,随后将它点燃。


月桂谷(Laurel Canyon)是位于好莱坞的一个桃花源式的所在,1968年夏天,那里成为了摇滚青年的公社,也是原创力的温床。乔尼·米歇儿(Joni Mitchell)在那里有间房子,她本人称那里为“嬉皮士的天堂”。而Crosby,Stills&Nash在她的卧室里唱歌也被传为一时佳话。






1972年5月,“滚石”乐队推出双碟《大街上的流亡者》(Exile main Street),这张唱片是“滚石”乐队的巅峰之作,虽然乐队成员的个人生活在这一时期先后陷入泥沼,但他们的巨星地位已不可动摇。


1972年7月8日伦敦的皇家音乐厅里,正播放着贝多芬的“欢乐颂”,一束红光射向舞台,人们看到一个橘红色头发、身穿红绿两色太空服的男人出现在在舞台上,“大家好,”这个外星人似的家伙用一种柔软而文雅的语气说。“我是‘星尘齐格’(Ziggy Stardust)。”这个“星尘齐格”就是大卫·鲍伊(David Bowie),那次演唱会启动了以妖艳、中性打扮为大宗的Glam-Rock风潮。






1975年7月18日是当晚在伦敦举办的一场音乐会让这位“雷鬼”(Reggae)歌手成为世界巨星。众多乐迷企图冲过障碍挤向舞台,场面一度混乱。当马里唱起他的新歌《No Woman,No Cry》时,获得了全场观众最强烈的反响。从此这首歌也成为了马里家喻户晓的名曲。那一夜让“雷鬼”成为一种全球的音乐现象,而鲍勃·马里(Bob Marley)也成为了来自第三世界国家的一个音乐符号。


1975年8月美国蓝领摇滚代表斯普林斯廷(Bruce Springsteen)在发表第三张让他们扬名世界的专辑《天生劳碌命》(Born to run)之前,他和E街乐队(E Street Band)所属的唱片公司请来超过1000名行内人士观看他们在纽约一家酒吧“底线”(Bottom Line)的演出。斯普林斯廷因食物中毒不得不暂停表演,但这次演出为他们奠定了成功的基础。

the band乐队告别演出

在1967年到1976年间迪伦与“乐队”(The Band)一起进行了巡回演出,在伍德斯托克居住了一段时间。1976年11月25日洛杉矶的最后一场演出上嘉宾云集,从Bob Dylan、Neil Young到Eric Clapton、Van Morrison等巨星均有出席。


1976年12月,“性手枪”(Sex Pistols)在英国进行了第一次巡演,他们用愤世嫉俗的力量一下子吸引了众多精力过剩无处发泄的年轻人,也由此揭开了英伦朋克运动的风暴。这次演出之前他们刚刚在EMI旗下推出了首支单曲《英国的无政府主义》(Anarchy in the UK),因为歌曲内容过于大胆遭到BBC的拒播。


1976年冬天*由乔治·克林顿(George Clinton)统领的P-Funk全美巡演是整个1970年代最Funky、最大胆的摇滚巡回演出。在每场演出的高潮到来时,会有一部耗资100万美元太空船降落在舞台上。P-Funk将超现实外星联想融入Funk音乐,成为一大特色。


1977年新年前夕,由当娜·夏天(Donna Summer)引发的迪斯科(Disco)舞曲风潮席卷美国。纽约的54录音室(Studio 54)云集了包括Calvin Klein、安迪·沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)、“滚石”乐队主唱米克·贾格、摇滚铁公鸡洛德·史都华德(Rod Steward)在内的众多了流行符号,而当娜1975年的专辑《Love to love you baby》开创了迪斯科的风潮。


弗里伍德·麦克(Fleetwood Mac)的摇滚专辑《谣言》(Rumours)经过一段艰难岁月后终于出炉。当时,这支乐队正经历着它的艰难时期,成员离婚的离婚、分手的分手,一塌糊涂,就在这样恶劣的情况下,灵魂人物尼克(Nick)花了一个晚上的时间写出了脍炙人口的舞曲《梦》(Dreams),并把它录在小型录音机中,从而奠定了这张专辑诞生的基础。(1977年2月 )




由于当时英国乐队杜兰·杜兰(Duran Duran)的歌曲被禁止在美国电台播放,他们从开始对MTV一无所知到成为第一支沾了这种现代科技光的乐队。为了与“文化俱乐部”(Culture Club)和“人类联盟”(Human league)抗衡,他们惟有靠电视音乐频道进行宣传。而这一尝试也让他们的专辑获得了巨大的成功。一年之间,美国的MTV观众也从250万急增到930万。(*1981年8月1日 )




1983年6月5日在美国落基山脉的红石国家公园里的演出,成为U2乐队最成功的一次户外大型演出。超过9000个座位和国家公园的天然美景为他们的音乐提供了最壮观的舞台。当天他们演唱的一曲《Sunday Bloody Sunday》也成为U2乐队反抗暴力的标志性歌曲。


1984年9月14日,急于摆脱格莱美奖阴影的MTV决心扩大自己的影响,颁发首届音乐录影带大奖。麦当娜应邀参加了颁奖典礼并表演了同年推出的歌曲《Like A Virgin》。在演出现场,电视工作人员被麦当娜身着婚纱礼服在地板乱滚的骇人表演吓呆了。麦当娜在MTV颁奖礼上的放肆举动遭遇了巨大批评,但很多青少年还是为麦当娜的风采着迷。





Beastie Boys与Run DMC巡回演出

1986年Run DMC推出了在商业上大获成功的专辑《Raising Hell》,而Beastie Boys的《Licensed to Ill》的销售数字也在一路飙升,眼看就要成为整个上世纪80年代销量最高的说唱专辑。于是1987年夏天,他们联手开始了一场巡回演出。“正是那次巡回把Hip-Hop带到了城市以外的地方,你无法拒绝它,无论你是白人,还是日本人。”


1989年2月,N.W.A乐队推出专辑《Straight Outta Compton》,这张制作费仅8000元的饶舌唱片中包含了大量街头语言,泼辣生动,风靡一时。虽然美国联邦调查局致信唱片公司,抗议N.W.A煽动民众反警察情绪,令该唱片遭受了限制电台播放的命运,但至1989年底,该唱片销量仍高达1亿张。


1991年8月17日,Nivana乐队录制了《Smells Like Teen Spirit》,这首歌彻底改变了Nivana乐队的命运。由于这首歌充满狂傲不羁不经修饰的叛逆色彩,受到人们的空前热烈欢迎。随后推出的专辑《NeverMind》,就此奏响了西雅图之声的号角,包括PearlJam和SoundGarden在内的一大批来自西雅图的乐队,改变了摇滚乐日趋没落的僵气。


1994年11月30日,饶舌巨星Tupac Shakur被劫匪开枪打伤,他认为幕后指使者是其好友,另一位饶舌歌手B.I.G。从那一天起,当时饶舌歌坛上最优秀的两位歌手展开了人身攻击战,这场战争以Tupac的一位朋友丧生而告终。




1997年夏季,首届Lilith Fair音乐节打破了女歌手叫座力不如男歌手的神话。首届音乐节为期37天,参加歌手全部为女性。至1999年,三届音乐节共有250位女歌手参加,门票收入达6500万美元。虽然这一音乐节在三届后停办,但已在音乐史上造成了深远的影响。


1998年夏天,阿姆推出首张大碟《The mothers LP》,其中的歌曲“My Name is”开创了白人饶舌音乐的先河,从此之后,饶舌乐队不再是黑人的专利。


1998年秋天,Shawn Fanning还是西北大学的学生,在他的创意之下成立了Napster网站,旨在通过互联网提供音乐的免费下载。这种新颖的音乐传播方式一下子风靡了全世界,人们只要通过网络就能轻而易举获得各种音乐。截至2000年夏天,Napster的注册用户达到5800万,提供下载的歌曲4亿5千万首,因此Napster也遭到了传统唱片公司的围剿。


2000年3月,男孩组合’Nsync推出专辑《No Strings Attached》,首周销量达240万张,将20世纪90年代开始的青少年流行偶像潮流推至巅峰。


2001年9月21日,U2、Neil Young等数十位歌手为“9·11”举行纪念音乐会,筹得2亿美元善款。在此之后,保罗·麦卡特尼等巨星举办了一系列纪念音乐会,将所有门票收入捐赠给“9·11”的死难者家属。





不是 falk dance, 是 folk dance (土风舞)

Folk dance is a term used to describe a large number of dances, mostly of ... final say over the definition of folk dance or the minimum age for such dances. ...

Quick Links: Terminology - Types of folk dance - Folk dancing in the media

《25 minutes》 - Michael Learns To Rock

After some time I've finally made up my mind 经过一段时间,我终于下定决心

She is the girl And I really want to make her mine 她就是我想与之偕老的女孩

I'm searching everywhere to find her again 我四处搜寻,希望再次找到她

To tell her I love her 我要告诉她,我爱她

And I'm sorry about the things I've done 还有为我所做过的一切道歉

I find her standing in front of the church 我看见了她,站在教堂的前面

The only place in town where I didn't search 那个镇上我唯一没有寻找过的地方

She looks so happy in her wedding dress 身着婚纱的她看起来是那样的开心

But she's crying while she's saying this 但当她说出这些话的时候 她哭了

Boy I missed your kisses 亲爱的,我想念你的吻

All the time but this is 一直都是,只是如今...

Twenty five minutes too late 一切都迟了...只是25分钟而已

Though you travelled so far 虽然你一路走来

Boy I'm sorry you are 但是抱歉...

Twenty five minutes too late 你迟了25分钟

Against the wind I'm going home again 迎着微风,我再次回到家乡

Wishing me back To the time when we were more than friends 祈祷我们能够回到那个卿卿我我的时刻

But still I see her in front of the church 但是我仍然看到她在教堂前面

The only place in town where i didn't search 那个镇上我唯一没有寻找过的地方

She looked so happy in her wedding dress 身着婚纱的她看起来是那样的开心

But she cried while she was saying this 但当她说出这些话的时候 她哭了

Boy I missed your kisses 亲爱的,我想念你的吻

All the time but this is 一直都是,只是如今...

Twenty five minutes too late 一切都迟了...只是25分钟而已

Though you travelled so far 虽然你一路走来

Boy I'm sorry you are 但是抱歉...

Twenty five minutes too late 你迟了25分钟

Out in the streets 走在街上

Places where hungry hearts have nothing to eat 渴望的心在这里找不到依托

Inside my head Still I can hear the words she said 脑海中依然能听见她的话语...

Boy I missed your kisses 亲爱的,我想念你的吻

All the time but this is 一直都是,只是如今...

Twenty five minutes too late 一切都迟了...只是25分钟而已

Though you travelled so far 虽然你一路走来

Boy I'm sorry you are 但是抱歉...

Twenty five minutes too late 你迟了25分钟

I can still hear her say 我仍能听到,她在说...

Just one last dance

Just one last dance....oh baby...just one last dance We meet in the night in the Spanish café I look in your eyes just don\'t know what to say It feels like I\'m drowning in salty water A few hours left \'til the sun\'s gonna rise tomorrow will come an it\'s time to realize our love has finished forever how I wish to come with you (wish to come with you) how I wish we make it through Chorus: Just one last dance before we say goodbye when we sway and turn round and round and round it\'s like the first time Just one more chance hold me tight and keep me warm cause the night is getting cold and I don\'t know where I belong Just one last dance The wine and the lights and the Spanish guitar I\'ll never forget how romantic they are but I know, tomorrow I\'ll lose the one I love There\'s no way to come with you it\'s the only thing to do Chorus 3x (until fade)

nothing to lose - micheal learns to rock

nothing to lose

compose lyrics vocal jascha richter.

there are times when you make me laugh

there are moments when you drive me mad

there are seconds when i see the light

though many times you made me cry

there's something you don't understand

i want to be your man

nothing to lose

your love to win

hoping so bad that you'll let me in

i'm at your feet

waiting for you

i've got time and nothing to lose

there are times when i believe in you

these moments when i feel close to you

there are times i think that i am yours

though many times i feel unsure

there's something you don't understand

i want to be your man

nothing to lose

your love to win

hoping so bad that you'll let me in

i'm at your feet

waiting for you

i've got time and nothing to lose

i'll always be around you

keep an eye on you

'cos my patience is strong

and i won't let you run

'cos you are the only one

nothing to lose

your love to win

hoping so bad that you'll let me in

i'm at your feet

waiting for you

i've got time and nothing to lose

Indescribable Night

-Kate St. John-

A veil has lifted that shrouded my eyes

The folds that lay over me no longer lie

Your infinity is revealed to me

It shines in your infinite smile

It was like a gift floating down through the dark

A dove finding rest in the leaves of my heart

A feeling inside, an invisible guide

Had shown me a way to survive

Indescribable night

Indescribable night

Indescribable night

Is it you?

You and me in the circle of everyday life

Climbing through moments of death and delight

Now I’ve found my good night in the spiral of light

That shines in your intimate smile

Indescribable night

Indescribable night

Indescribable night

Sailor oh sailor won’t you be proud

To now find a light in the deadliest cloud

The wisdom you’ve found, a surrendering sound

Sings through the surrendering night

Indescribable night

Indescribable night

Indescribable night

Is it you?

The Rose

Some say love it is a river That drowns the tender reed.

Some say love it is a razor That leaves your soul to bleed.

Some say love it is a hunger an endless, aching needI

say love it is a flower,And you it's only seed.

It's the heart afraid of breaking

That never learns to dance It's the dream afraid of waking

That never takes the chance It's the one who won't be taken,

Who cannot seem to give And the soul afraid of dying That never learns to live.

And the night has been too lonely and the road has been too long.

And you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong.

Just remember in the winter Far beneath the bitter snow Lies the seed that with the sun's love,

In the spring, becomes a rose

You Raise Me Up

When I am down 当我失意低落之时

and, oh my soul, so weary我的精神,是那么疲倦不堪

When troubles come 当烦恼困难袭来之际

and my heart burdened be我的内心,是那么负担沉重

Then, I am still 然而,我默默的伫立

and wait here in the silence, 静静的等待

Until you come 直到你的来临

and sit awhile with me. 片刻地和我在一起

You raise me up, 你激励了我

so I can stand on mountains故我能立足于群山之巅

You raise me up, 你鼓舞了我

to walk on stormy seas故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面

I am strong, 在你坚实的臂膀上

when I am on your shoulders我变得坚韧强壮

You raise me up: 你的鼓励

To more than I can be. 使我超越了自我

There is no life - 世上没有——

no life without its hunger没有失去热望的生命

Each restless heart 每颗悸动的心

beats so imperfectly也都跳动得不那么完美

But when you come 但是你的到来

and I am filled with wonder, 让我心中充满了奇迹

Sometimes, I think 甚至有时我认为 因为有你

I glimpse eternity. 我瞥见了永恒

You raise me up, 你激励了我

so I can stand on mountains故我能立足于群山之巅

You raise me up, 你鼓舞了我

to walk on stormy seas故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面

I am strong, 在你坚实的臂膀上

when I am on your shoulders我变得坚韧强壮

You raise me up: 你的鼓励

To more than I can be. 使我超越了自我

May it be

May it be an evening star

Shines down upon you

May it be when darkness falls

Your heart will be true

You walk a lonely road

Oh! How far you are from home

Morniutli(Darkness has come)[1]

Believe and you will find your way

Morni?alanti?(Darkness has fallen)

A promise lives within you now

May it be the shadow's call

Will fly away

May it be your journey on

To light the day

When the night is overcome

You may rise to find the sun

Morniutli(Darkness has come)

Believe and you will find your way

Morni?alanti?(Darkness has fallen)

A promise lives within you now

A promise lives within you now

We Are One

We Are One

Two very different people

Too scared to get along

Till two hearts beat together

Underneath one sun

One very special moment

Can turn a destiny

And what some would say

Could never change

Has changed for you and me

'Cause it's all in the way you look through your eyes

And when all is said and done

All of the fear and all of the lies are not hard to overcome

It's all in the way you look at it

That makes you strong

We were two (we were two)

Now we are one

We are two different people

So much to overcome

So why care for one another

When there's so much to be done

'Cause sometimes it's necessary

Just look how far we've come

You could say my friend that it's the end

Or a new tale has begun

'Cause it's all in the way you look through your eyes

And when all is said and done

All of the fear and all of the lies are not hard to overcome

It's all in the way you look at it

That makes you strong

We were two (we were two)

Now we are one

And one moment in the time

Is all the time we need

Just to make a difference

To make it better for you and me

If you just believe

Oh yeah

Just open your eyes

'Cause its all in the way you look through your eyes

And when all is said and done

All of the fear and all of the lies are not hard to overcome

It's all in the way you look at it

That makes you strong

We were two (we were two)

Now we are one

Oh yeah, Oh yeah

We were two

Now we are one

I'll Be There For You

I guess this time you're really leaving

I heard your suitcase say goodbye

And as my broken heart lies bleeding

You say true love in suicide

You say you're cried a thousand rivers

And now you're swimming for the shore

You left me drowning in my tears

And you won't save me anymore

Now I'm praying to God you'll give me one more chance, girl

I'll be there for you

These five words I swear to you

When you breathe I want to be the air for you

I'll be there for you

I'd live and I'd die for you

Steal the sun from the sky for you

Words can't say what a love can do

I'll be there for you

I know you know we're had some good times

How they have their own hiding place

I can promise you tomorrow

But I can't buy back yesterday

And Baby you know my hands are dirty

But I wanted to be your valentine

I'll be the water when you get thirsty, baby

When you get drink, I'll be the wine

I'll be there for you

These five words I swear to you

When you breathe I want to be the air for you

I'll be there for you

I'd live and I'd die for you

Steal the sun from the sky for you

Words can't say what a love can do

I'll be there for you


And I wan't there when you were happy

I wasn't there when you were down

I didn't mean to miss your birthday, baby

I wish I'd seen you blow those candles out

I'll be there for you

These five words I swear to you

When you breathe I want to be the air for you

I'll be there for you

I'd live and I'd die for you

Steal the sun from the sky for you

Words can't say what a love can do

I'll be there for you

哎 实在辛苦

标签: 乐队 美国 唱片 音乐节 演出






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